Category / Homeowner's Insurance / Tips and Tricks
Invasion of the … Plants?! Invasive Plants to Avoid Planting this Spring
Spring is here, and with it comes weekends full of outdoor activities, gardening, sports and cookouts with friends and family. If you are like me, after a winter like this one, you’ve…
April 29, 2015 -
Ice Dams, the Problem that Won’t Go Away
Although I have lived in New England my whole life, this is my first winter as a homeowner. I knew there would be a learning curve, getting a feel for when the…
February 27, 2015 -
Personal Property, Are You Getting Your Money’s Worth?
Did you know that most standard home insurance polices have limits of theft coverage for high end items like jewelry, guns, china or cash? The start of a new year seems to…
January 29, 2015
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