Saving with Solar: Things to Consider If You are Considering Solar Energy for Your House.

With energy costs going up many people are looking for ways to cut costs or use alternative sources. Are you considering going solar or already installed them? You are not alone. Did you know that Massachusetts is one of the top solar installation states in the country? There are many pros and cons to using solar in your home, and deciding what works best for you is a personal choice, but if you decide to go with solar here are a few things you should consider when considering solar.
Insurance. -Some leased panels are insured by the company installing them and require no additional coverage from the homeowner. Some companies transfer the risk of the leased panels to the homeowner and you would need to insure them yourself. If you are leasing your panels, it is important to be clear which category you fall into.
*If you own your solar panels and they are attached to your house, insurance is automatically included in your policy under the dwelling/structure coverage. You should mention this add on to your insurance agent however, to make sure that the current coverage limit is high enough to cover them.
*If you own your solar panels and they are free standing on your property you will still have coverage on your policy, but this time the panels fall under a coverage that covers things like your garage and fence. If you have a claim on the panels they might be covered based on the depreciated value, which might not cover the cost to install a whole new system. Again, let your Insurance Agent know that you have these additional items to make sure your current coverage is enough.
*Value. How long do you plan on living in your home? Often time it takes a few year (on average 6-9 )for you to get your solar investment back from your energy saving if you purchase your solar panels. Solar panels don’t add a significant value to your homes resale value, but they don’t harm it either. Weight out the cost of the panels against the amount of money you will save per year if you are hoping to gain money from the investment.
*Your roof. There are many things to consider if you are considering installing solar panels on your roof. Is your roof in a good enough condition that it will last for the life of the panels. You would hate to have to uninstall the panels down the road to fix your roof and then pay to reinstall them all over again. Certain shapes and direction your roof is facing can also impact how many panels you have and how much light they will absorb.