Spooky Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween is a very exciting time of years for kids, and many adults. The candy, the decorations and costumes are all part of what makes Halloween fun but also a little dangerous. We have 3 safety tips for children, and 3 tips for homeowners to help keep your Halloween from getting scarier than you bargained for.

For Children:

  1. Feed your children a good meal before going out so that they will be less likely to binge eat their candy before coming home. This also allows adults to inspect all of the candy before it gets eaten to ensure that it is safe.
  2. Help your children to pick out safe costumes, ones that are not too long and could trip them, or cover their eyes and make it hard to see. Plan costumes that are bright and reflective to make sure your children can be seen by drivers. Consider adding reflective tape or striping to dark costumes, and carry flashlights or glow sticks for extra visibility.
  3. Small children should never carve pumpkins. Instead allow them to draw on the pumpkin and then have an adult do the cutting. Consider using a flashlight or glow stick to light your pumpkin instead of a candle. Candlelit pumpkins should be placed on a sturdy table, away from curtains or other flammable objects and never left unattended.

For Homeowners:

  1. To keep homes safe for visiting trick or treaters remove items from the porch and front yard that children could trip over such as garden hoses, plants, toys, lawn decorations. Also make sure these areas are well lit to prevent injuries from tripping and possible lawsuits.
  2. If you build a haunted house for friends and neighbors to wander through consider increasing your liability limits on your home policy.
  3. Keep any large hedges and bushes near the street trimmed low if possible. This increases overall visibility for both trick or treaters and drivers, greatly reducing the risk of unfortunate accidents that might happen when children steps out from your house to cross the street.

For more tips on having a safe and healthy Halloween check out AAP.org or Halloween-safety.com