Safety at Work: Keeping Your Employees Safe on the Job

If you’re a business owner, you understand the importance of maintaining safety on the job. If an employee gets injured on the job, it not only impacts that person, but also their co-workers and the company as a whole.

The National Safety Council has designated June as National Safety Month. Read the following suggestions to help keep your workplace a safe one by establishing a culture of safety.

  • Employee perception survey: Send out a survey to current employees to get a feel for how effective your safety policies are. Your employees may have ideas to make workplace safety more efficient.
  • Request a safety audit: Contact a loss control professional to review your current safety procedures from a third party perspective. Take all of their recommendations into consideration and fix as much as possible. Explain to your employees where the changes are coming from and why they are being made.
  • Update your safety policy: Don’t wait to update. As technologies advance, see if your policies need to change as well. If you have employees who drive a company car, include a distracted driving statement that reminds employees they are not allowed to use their phones while driving company vehicles.
    • Maintain records: Keep records of all first aid treatment, inspections, incident investigations and training activities. Looking back through them regularly can help identify unsafe trends or workplace protocols that aren’t working.