Fireworks and Fun: How to safely enjoy fireworks this 4th of July

Do you know what temperature water boils? How about how hot it needs to be to melt glass? Water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit, and glass melts at 900 degrees Fahrenheit. You might be wondering what this means concerning firework safety. The average firework burns at over 1000 degrees, and harmless little sparklers, they burn at 1200 degrees.

Nothing says July more than barbecues and fireworks. Although many people purchase fireworks over the state border, personal fireworks are illegal in Massachusetts, and for good reason. Firework-related fires have typically cost at least $20 million in property loss each year. In fact 2 out of every 5 fires reported on the 4th of July are started by fireworks, more than any other single cause including grills and firepots. Common incidents involve bottle rockets or other firework rockets that land on rooftops or wedge between structures and still retain enough heat to cause a fire. Wooded areas, homes and even automobiles are all susceptible to becoming engulfed in flames from a misguided firework.

Public firework displays are a safe way to enjoy the warm summer festivities because they are conducted by trained professionals in a controlled setting with safety personal close at hand. If your family attends a firework show, remember to never pick up fireworks leftover on the ground because they may still be active and could cause serious injury.

For most of us, our families and our homes represent years of hard work and our hopes for the future. We would never put either in harm’s way if we knew the risks that come with personal firework use, and now you know.

Wish you a safe and Bright 4th of July from all of us here at Jensen Sheehan Insurance

For more information on firework safety visit the National Fire Protection Association @