Easy Insurance Resolutions That You Can Actually Keep

Are you one of the 45% of Americans who make New Years Resolutions? If you are one of the 73% percent of those people who give up on their resolution before meeting your goal we’ve got good news for you.

Here are 3 simple, easily obtainable resolutions you can make right now to make 2016 a better year.

Check to see if you qualify for discounts to lower your premium. The CSRs usually look at all renewing policies to see if there are savings they can find for the insured, but maybe there is something about you that could save money that they just aren’t aware of. For example, have you installed an alarm system on your home? Do you have young drivers on the policy with good grades? Maybe you have a little more flexibility in your finances and you are able to increase your deductible for some savings on your premium. Ask your Customer service representative if there are any discounts you might be missing out on.

Create a Home Inventory. Sometimes we get so used to seeing the items in our home that we don’t stop and think about their value or what it would cost to replace them. If there was a major disaster, or a theft at your home it would be much easier for you to restore your home and possessions if you had a detailed list of what you own. Take some time to create an updated home inventory list. Paper inventory lists can be found online, there are also apps/programs that help you inventory items, or some people use a camera to take pictures and videos of their belongings. Make sure you store your home inventory list in a safe and secure location.

Find and fix Gaps in Coverage. After making a home inventory list go over your policy to make sure you have coverage for all of your valuables. Most policies have limits for things like jewelry or collectables. If your items are valued above the standard coverage you can schedule them on your policy to make sure you get full replacement costs.