Sandra Biagetti

Photo of Sandra Biagetti - a woman in business attire

With 30 years of Insurance experience, Sandra Biagetti has earned respect from her clients for a strong work ethic and an above-and-beyond approach to customer care. Sandra is also our resident Registry of Motor Vehicles expert. She helps insureds register vehicles, power through paperwork and, when possible, appeal surcharges.

A longtime Hopedale resident, Sandra is very active in her community, serving on the Hopedale Zoning Board of Appeals, the Hopedale Planning Board, the Hopedale Opioid Task Force and the Milford Chamber of Commerce. Sandra loves giving back to her hometown. One of her favorite ways to give back is by being a community reader at the Hopedale Elementary School.

In her spare time Sandra enjoys cooking, gardening, yoga and studying foreign languages.
